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How to Mail a Letter

A satirical piece about how Millennials need to be taught about how to mail a letter. Created by someone who can identify with Millennial culture, I love the humor that I created for this piece. We obviously know how to mail a letter.


Originally this piece was not created for a book; it was meant to be a social media post; so more Millennials would see it. It was created in illustrator with a simplistic style in mind. Only using outline creates a minimal feel that is trying to talk down to the target audience. The minimal color does the same thing; in addition to drawing attention to specific parts of the piece. 

The book version came from an assignment within a bookmaking class at DePaul University. I created this piece before the book, and knew it would be a perfect way to display it. This accordion style book leads the viewer through the piece in a physical way.


This was one of the first pieces that has been bought from me, and I no longer have it as a part of my collection. I personally enjoy how the content itself has been very hit and miss; that is the point. It is an odd joke that is meant to be awkward, so that makes it even more special to me because it was one of the first pieces purchased.

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