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Low Poly 3D Zorse

I was prompted to create a low poly model for an RPG game, and I was given a random genre, archetype, and animal to design. The genre for the game is dystopian future, the archetype is a rebel, and the animal is a zorse (zebra horse hybrid). I have to fully model only using polygons and triangles, pose the model using a skeleton, color and shade it, and finally light it and make it rotate. 


My first step was to create a simple, low poly base so get proportions correct as well as creating correct geometry for the framework. The next step was to slowly add more geometry and sculpt it out as soon as I add it in. I also thought about what type of clothing and accessory the character would have. Being a rebel in a dystopian future, I thought the character would have ripped up clothing, a metal band around their wrist, and a baseball bat as a weapon.


I start to add some color to the model to help my concept come through in process images as well as develop the slightly muted color palette to bring out the genre more. I find it easier to create the model, and then pose it so I make sure it has proper geometry. I used a skeleton to move each limb into the pose I want. The baseball bat is also placed in the character's hand and placed on a pedestal. Lights were added to the scene so I can render a video of a 360 degree view of the model, which is pictured above.

I personally think this came out exactly how I envisioned. I would love to see this character in a RPG or another game. My next steps would be to animate the character in some sort if idle pose or moving the bat. For getting three random concepts, I am proud of this work and happy that I can call it my own.

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